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Hammer C.O.R.E. - are our heroes really all they can be???  Or is it time for a new generation to step in?

Project: Orpheus... is Nick looking for the next leader?  And is Tess loosing her mind?  Duncan, well, he's lookin for a new hat!

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Whether your humanis superior or homo genius, you are still a freak to the rest of the world no matter how you look at it.

- Marcaise Khorece - Delacroix - Delta;  quoted after his Intellectually Speaking On Mutants Conference.

Think that is weird?  Well, ya don't know Marcaise!

You've landed in the gaming area for current games for GM HLotis4 of the Maryland (US) gaming area.  Interested, check out the links and email him [ HLotis4 ].

Watch the above AND below links for stuff to follow for your gaming info.

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Last updated by Extreme Marvel Studioz (ewpStudioz/www.rpg/www.marvel) on 07/07/2002.